Who Should you vote for

It is evident that America is diverging from traditional Christian values and embracing a different ethos. However, there is still hope for America. Indeed, through Christ, all things are possible! Now more than ever, it is crucial to share the gospel with a profound sense of humility and love. We were all like lost sheep before Christ found us. If we expect America to be a nation that embodies Christian values, we need genuine, born-again Christians in this country. Therefore, vote for Christian values and also share the gospel with those who have not yet heard it.

pray for America

Regardless of personal views on Donald Trump, July 13, 2024, marked a somber and unforgettable day for America. The former President was targeted in a shooting, resulting in one fatality and several injuries, stemming from animosity towards the Republic Constitution that governs Americans. I urge all Christians to pray for both Biden and Trump, for their salvation, so that we may lead godly lives in these challenging times (1Timothy 2:1-3). Additionally, pray for lost friends and family, that they may embrace Christ's love, and for people's hearts to remain warm and compassionate amidst this struggle for truth.

Judges 8:22-23

Then the men of Israel said unto Gideon, Rule thou over us, both thou, and thy son, and thy son's son also: for thou hast delivered us from the hand of Midian.
And Gideon said unto them, I will not rule over you:
THE LORD shall rule over you.